Lian En is a god who has lied too much and has now attracted bad karma. One day, he meets a high school student who will change his destiny forever!
Lian En is a god who has lied too much and has now attracted bad karma. One day, he meets a high school student who will change his destiny forever!
Hoàn Tất (500/500) 1.002
Full 156/156 594
Tập 182 476
Hoàn Tất (70/70) 457
Tập 223 443
Full 127/127 427
Hoàn tất (56/56) 391
Hoàn tất (40/40) 305
Full 123/123 279
Full 141/141 272
Trailer 435
Trailer 730
Trailer 27
Trailer 44
Trailer 428
Trailer 48
Trailer 172
Trailer 56
Trailer 51
Trailer 67