Mina, a young college student, has her life ripped away after her family is killed. When she finds out their murder was part of a botched kidnapping to return her to her real father—a terrorist in the middle east.
Mina, a young college student, has her life ripped away after her family is killed. When she finds out their murder was part of a botched kidnapping to return her to her real father—a terrorist in the middle east.
Hoàn Tất (500/500) 1.009
Full 156/156 597
Tập 182 480
Hoàn Tất (70/70) 457
Tập 223 455
Full 127/127 428
Hoàn tất (56/56) 393
Hoàn tất (40/40) 326
Full 123/123 286
Tập 435 286
Trailer 437
Trailer 732
Trailer 27
Trailer 44
Trailer 429
Trailer 50
Trailer 173
Trailer 57
Trailer 53
Trailer 68