Phantom is a South Korean spy action film based on Mai Jia's 2007 novel, Feng Sheng. It was directed by Lee Hae-young, starring Sol Kyung-gu, Lee Hanee, Park So-dam, Park Hae-soo, and Seo Hyun-woo. It was released theatrically on January 18, 2023.
Phantom is a South Korean spy action film based on Mai Jia's 2007 novel, Feng Sheng. It was directed by Lee Hae-young, starring Sol Kyung-gu, Lee Hanee, Park So-dam, Park Hae-soo, and Seo Hyun-woo. It was released theatrically on January 18, 2023.
Tập 1048 1.193
Tập 236 964
Full 297/297 802
Hoàn Tất (500/500) 733
Tập 1122 539
Full 175/175 513
Full 224/224 481
Hoàn Tất (127/127) 480
Hoàn Tất (73/73) 468
Hoàn tất (43/43) 406