Follows disillusioned young family man John as a mysterious stranger, Richie takes him on a murder-fueled ride that transforms the weak-willed John into a desperate hero willing to go to any length to protect his family.
Follows disillusioned young family man John as a mysterious stranger, Richie takes him on a murder-fueled ride that transforms the weak-willed John into a desperate hero willing to go to any length to protect his family.
Tập 1048 1.194
Tập 236 966
Full 297/297 824
Hoàn Tất (500/500) 734
Tập 1122 548
Full 175/175 513
Full 224/224 489
Hoàn Tất (127/127) 484
Hoàn Tất (73/73) 474
Hoàn tất (43/43) 411