Returning to her home planet, an infamous outlaw forms an unexpected alliance with a team of unlikely heroes. Together, they battle alien monsters and dangerous bandits to find a missing girl who holds the key to unimaginable power.
Returning to her home planet, an infamous outlaw forms an unexpected alliance with a team of unlikely heroes. Together, they battle alien monsters and dangerous bandits to find a missing girl who holds the key to unimaginable power.
Tập 182 474
Tập 223 440
Hoàn tất (56/56) 390
Full 123/123 270
Full 141/141 260
Tập 247 257
Hoàn Tất (41/41) 246
Hoàn tất (40/40) 240
Full 120/120 218
Hoàn Tất (203/203) 217
Trailer 434
Trailer 727
Trailer 26
Trailer 43
Trailer 427
Trailer 47
Trailer 170
Trailer 55
Trailer 50
Trailer 65